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At Cardinal, our culture embodies many different elements: it’s about improving as a team while having fun growing together both personally and professionally. Our team members are the heart and soul of our culture! We are so grateful for the efforts our team members put in daily to go the extra mile to help change the industry and challenge the status quo.

Today we’re celebrating Cullen Myers and his dedicated years of service to the growth of our team over the last ten years.

Learn more about Cullen’s journey below!

What is your role?

Portfolio Manager

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Describe your Cardinal Journey (roles you previously worked in before your current position)

I joined Cardinal as an LMTL and have held ACM, CM, APM, and PM roles during my Cardinal Journey. The past ten years have been a blur and I have had the pleasure to work with quite a few amazing leaders throughout my time here. I know it sounds Cliche but I think Professor/Dean Conroy said it best that Cardinal has become a home. At this point in my career some of my greatest memories are cheering on so many people that are following their Cardinal Journey and I am very thankful to be a part of it all.

How did you decide to join the Cardinal team?

Eddie called Sarah Molter and I about an opportunity and my reply was, Eddie you had me at Hello. I really cannot say how much working with these leaders over the years has made its mark on my career path and who I am today as a leader.

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What’s the most significant lesson you’ve learned in your time at Cardinal?

Be humble and cheer on your team’s successes

What do you find most exciting about your job? Most challenging?

Working with such a talented group of folks day in and day out. I love to see our team face challenges head on together and provide opportunities for those around us to shine. Most challenging would be looking at yourself with a discerning eye and committing to improving as a leader so that you are able to help those around you achieve their goals and dreams.

If you could choose one word to describe your time at Cardinal, what would it be and why?

Exhilarating. My time at Cardinal has been amazing and it seems like I blinked and ten years flew by in an instant.

Who has been influential in your life (professionally or personally), and how have they helped guide you?

I honestly don’t think you have enough text characters available to answer this but I will do my best. Sarah Molter, Eddie Moreno, Alex O’Brien, Will Conroy, Sean Devine, Michelle Cook, Carynes Gitler, Jenn Cassidy, Rob Witt, Scott Montgomery, and many more. I remember Eddie being a completely positive impact on my career and offering us the opportunity to join such an amazing Company. I remember Alex visiting for my first day as a Community Manager to tell me to “Burn the Ships and give it my all”.

Sarah has been an integral part of my Journey since day one and I couldn’t imagine taking this journey without her. Will Taught me to not use as many colors in my workbooks because in his words, “It looks like rainbow vomit”. Sean is still very much a part of my journey and has taught me to remove myself from a tense situation to look at the circumstances through different lenses to ensure I am seeing all sides. Michelle, very much like Sean, has taught me to approach situations in different ways and to use emotional intelligence when working through scenarios with many different people who may not have the same lense or approach as you do.

Mama Gitler taught me the joy of team building and how to communicate effectively, which I am honestly still very much learning more each day. Jenn has been very supportive throughout the years, I honestly don’t know if she remembers me from Campus Advantage, but she has always been a light in the room. She cares about her teams and wants us to perform to the best of our abilities for all stakeholders.

Rob brings a level of knowledge and support to his role that it never ceases to amaze me how much knowledge he has. He has never been afraid to tell you how he sees it and has always been there to stop and share a drink with you to talk about what’s going on in your life both personally and professionally. Overall, there are so many amazing leaders in this company that genuinely care about your growth and success that this won’t even scratch the surface. Also, to anyone I didn’t initially list like Heather Haun and Isa Gutierrez there are just so many great folks in this company that have impacted my career in a positive way.

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What’s something people may not know about you?

I am a pretty open book honestly, but I always look forward to my monthly coffee chats with Carynes and weekly calls with Michelle to talk about motivational speakers, leadership advice, or in Michelle’s case the Murder in a Small town podcast.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in the industry?

You get out of this career what you put into it. Throw yourself into the challenges and don’t be afraid to ask for help because the list of folks I named earlier and so many more amazing leaders at Cardinal will be there to help.

What is your proudest moment working at Cardinal Group?

There have been many. I am humbled to be a part of this company’s growth and am just excited to see what the future holds.

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What is your biggest motivator?

My Family and Team.

What has been the most interesting change you’ve seen in the industry, and why?

The explosion of the industry over my career has been astounding to watch. Seeing the growth of the housing markets and tracking the data really is what I enjoy. For those of you that know me I couldn’t get through this whole survey without mentioning Data. #StrengthsFinder Top 5.


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What is your favorite college town in America, and why?

West Lafayette because it is my home town and I have had the pleasure of watching it change and grow over the years.

Are you ready to start your Cardinal Journey?

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