The Housing Industry's
Employer of Choice

Our Secret Ingredient

The Cardinal Group culture embodies many different elements. It’s about improving as a team and having fun while growing together, personally and professionally. It’s about achieving the improbable with fewer people and fewer resources. It’s about openness, taking risks, and not being afraid to make mistakes. But most of all, it’s about having faith that if we do the right thing in everything we do, then we will succeed in building something great.

Total Beds
91,400 +
Total Units
52,700 +
U.S. States
Team Members
2,300 +
58 +

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Going Beyond Brick & Mortar

Since 2008, we have been operating successful partnerships and are relentlessly focused on creating efficiency to exceed market performance levels across the US. We are committed to challenging the status quo of the industry every day.

A Culture That Defines Us


Do the right thing,
all the time.


Build an open and honest relationship with communication.


Be adventurous, creative, and open minded.


Be a team player and respect those you work with.


Embrace change and new ideas.


Bring your best each day and create fun.


Pursue growth and knowledge.


Do more with less.


Be passionate and determined.


Be humble.

Located at 5,430 feet

The Mile High City sits at 5,280 ft, but our office on the 15th floor sits at 5,430 ft. Oxygen tanks not included.